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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 5

Naslov:Zakonodavstvo usmjereno protiv diskriminacije osoba s invaliditetom : integracija osoba s invaliditetom / izvješće je pripremila Radna skupina za zakonodavstvo usmjereno protiv diskriminacije osoba s invaliditetom (P-RR-LADI) ; u suradnji s Heinz-Dietrichom Steinmeyerom ; [prijevod Branka Juras]
Impresum:Zagreb : Državni zavod za zaštitu obitelji, materinstva i mladeži , 2003
Materijalni opis:63 str. ; 25 cm
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Legislation to counter discrimination against people with disabilities
Ključne riječi:invaliditet * tolerancija * borba protiv diskriminacije
APA CC:3380
Ostali autori / urednici:Juras, Branka ; Bračić-Ružić, Gordana ; Steinmeyer, Heinz-Dietrich
Signatura:3380 2003 ZAK
Inventarni broj:255/2006
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Linguistic theories and their application / Council for Cultural Co-operation of the Council of Europe
Impresum:[S. l.] : Aidela , 1967
Materijalni opis:190 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Modern Languages in Europe
Ključne riječi:opća lingvistika
Namjena :lin
Signatura:LO 800 LIN
Inventarni broj:189
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za lingvistiku i orijentalne studije, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/lingvistika

Autor(i):Jasiukaityte, Vaida ; Furlong, Andy
Naslov:Making a difference with minority youth in Europe : evaluation and impact study of the LTTC Participation and Citizenship on empowerment of minority youth leaders (1997-2001) / abridged version by Vaida Jasiukaityte, on the basis of the full study carried out by Andy Furlong and Vaida Jasiukaityte
Impresum:Strasbourg : Council of Europe , cop. 2003
Materijalni opis:65 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
Ključne riječi:manjine * mladi * marginalne grupe
Sažetak:During five years, from 1997 to 2001, the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe has carried out a long-term training course with the aim to empower minority youth leaders and enhance their participation at local and national level. This is a summary of the evaluation of the course and of the impact achieved on participants, the minority young people and the communities in which they were active.
APA CC:2900
Signatura:2900 2003 JAS
Inventarni broj:360/2005
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Framework Convention for the protection of national minorities : collected texts
Izdanje:3rd ed
Impresum:Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing , 2005
Materijalni opis:83 str. ; 21 cm
Ključne riječi:nacionalne manjine
Sažetak:The protection of national minorities is a core issue for the Council of Europe, and one of the major achievements in this field is the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The entry into force of the Framework Convention on 1 February 1998 was indeed an event of universal stature, for it is the first ever legally binding multilateral instrument devoted to the protection of national minorities in general. Its importance is widely acknowledged, and the number of ratifications has grown rapidly. Simultaneously, an emphasis is being placed on the implementation and on the efficient functioning of the monitoring mechanism of the Framework Convention. This collection provides all those interested in the protection of national minorities a user-friendly compilation of the basic texts concerning the Framework Convention. In addition to the Framework Convention and its explanatory memorandum, the collection contains texts pertaining to the monitoring mechanism in general and the Advisory Committee in particular. It further provides the state of signatures and ratifications as well as declarations and reservations. It also contains a list of State Reports received and Opinions of the Advisory Committee adopted under both the first and second cycles of monitoring.
APA CC:2900
Signatura:2900 2005 FRA
Inventarni broj:334/2005
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Autor(i):Council of Europe
Naslov:Forced return : 20 guidelines adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 4 May 2005 and commentaries
Impresum:Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing , cop. 2005
Materijalni opis:73 str. ; 21 cm
Napomena:Francusko izdanje: Le retour forcé : 20 principes directeurs et commentaires
Ključne riječi:prisilni povratak
Sažetak:National authorities in charge of elaborating or implementing the effective return of irregular migrants are often faced with sensitive and complex issues: how to ensure that no individual is sent back to a place where his/her life or security is at risk; under what conditions should detention pending removal be allowed; what information can be provided to the state of origin. This type of issue was, to a large extent, addressed by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe when, on 4 May 2005, it adopted 20 guidelines on forced return. These guidelines offer a systematic overview of the standards developed in this field by the different bodies within the Council of Europe. The 20 guidelines on forced return serve as a practical guide to be used both by government officials and by all those directly or indirectly involved in return operations in Europe
APA CC:2900
Signatura:2900 2005 FOR
Inventarni broj:355/2005
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Council of Europe )
